Cheech and Chong's Next Movie - 1980

After 'Nam and before Regan, Cheech and Chong were a gift to humanity.  It's like, this shouldn't even be funny.  Two guys wander around Los Angeles trying to score weed or money to get weed.  They evade cops or authority figures while oogling women and destroying property.  Cheech and Chong deliver "Next Movie" a sequel to their stoner classic Up in Smoke (1978).  It isn't funny; it's hilarious.  Our protagonists meander from scene to scene, avoiding plots and responsibilities, exemplifying stoner ideals.  They set themselves ablaze in gasoline, yet keep on truckin'!  Life seemed awesome back then, less refined and easier than our painfully driven, stylish, electronic lives of 2021.  Amazing these guys got money to make movies, and turned not much into something beautiful!  We should all be so lucky to be on a sophomoric trip with these dudes. 


Anonymous said…
I don't know what oogling women means, but sounds pretty dirty. Ogling I understand.