In the numerous collaborations between director Isaac Florentine and Scott Adkins, Close Range is not of high caliber. The film opens with Scott rescuing his nice from a cartel in Mexico. The pairs come back to her home ranch in the US. Obviously baddies follow, apparently to get a USB drive loaded with a bunch of financial accounts that Scott happened to grab. Message to self: do not put all your eggs in one proverbial USB basket. Along the way there's a deadbeat dad who got his family into this trouble and a corrupt cop beholden to the cartel. That's pretty much the whole story. While Florentine and Scott certainly know hand-to-hand combat, there's not much story or scenery to get jazzed about. Everything revolves around the ranch house and Scott fending off generic cartel dudes. I longed for some generic Euro-baddies or at or Southeast Asian scenery, the go to obligations for low-budget action films. Something could have saved us poor viewers from this brown landscape. Anyways, Scott mostly punches and pops the baddies, though without any formidable opposition talent, at least on the martial-arts front, this one is a snore. Had to watch this over 4 sittings to even make it through, then with all the commercials on the Roku channel, it was a slog. Scott wears a black leather jacket the whole film. Not many people can pull of this kind of jacket. Thank the world, we have Scott but even he can't save Close Range.