Scott Kicks - Max Cloud (2020)


You shouldn't have high hopes when facing that Max Cloud cover art.  Yet, it does look a lot more fun that the jaw-clenching covers of basically all of Scott's other movies.   There's lasers and silly make-up, and an emphasis on the color purple!  Surely there's got... to be... something good here?!  There's Scott as a slight parody of himself, Max Cloud solving his problems through violence and machismo.  It works, until it doesn't.  His spaceship underlings are constantly annoyed by him.  Wouldn't we all be annoyed by a cocky, violent space hero?  Yes, we would but the comedy isn't there enough.  The violence is too much to be family friendly, nor violent enough to satisfy action escapism.   What we're left with isn't as fun as the clever action-editing of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  It's also not as bracingly silly as recent Doctor Who.  Did Max and his friends the kids who were stuck in the video game?  Does Max become a better human?  I forgot, but Scott barely kicked anything and cheap sci-fi thrills are richer elsewhere.
